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If you can't accept me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Mood: Neutral
OK, homies, here's the thing; y'all from 1B3, remember the time Pn S told us not to write smack 'bout our classmates??? well, I ain't gon' listen to her.

BUT, (and this is a huge 'but') I will change their names whenever whatever it is I'm writing is negative.
i.e.: "today my grandma came to school and beat up {insert whatever name i set for him/her here}. I have lost all respect for him."

Meaning, I'll put a {} outside that dude's name so you know I'm referring to someone.

Oh, and some of the names I set are glaringly obvious of who the real person is, and some aren't. Feel free to ask me the real identity in school - but swear to never tell anyone first.

xoxo, ZiXuan.

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