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Friday, August 29, 2008

random friends survey thing

TOP 17

Uno: julie
Dos: li wen
Tres: ashlee
Cuatro: jaclyn
Cinco: amanda
Seis: cheryl
Siete: audrey
Ocho: xin ee
Nueve: yih xiang
Diez: melanie
Once: fook jian
Doce: yi wei
Trece: dorothy
Catorce: rachel
Quince: crystal
Diez y seis: clarisse
Diez y siete: yee aung
Is number 13 unlucky?: no. she's rockin'.
Does 6 need a breath mint?: nope
Is 1 conceited?: hardly
Is 8 Jewish?: not that I know of...
Does 17 know how to dance?: haha. I'll ask him.
Does 10 embarass you?: no. rather vice versa.
How many siblings does 2 have?: 2 i think.
Does 4 live across the street from you?: no...
Is 15 truly a...bad word? (any word the people say): ugh. ALL my frens swear. so yes.
Can 11 sing?: slightly off-key, but yeah.
Do you believe in 7?: yesssss
Has 12 attended any of your parties?: I haven't invited him.
When is 14's birthday?: 9th March
Is 3 in love with a celebrity?: du-uh! SHIA.
Does 5 play a sport?: swimming counts rite?
Does 9 go to church?: doubt it.
Is 16 a big fan of the Notorious B.I.G.?: i don't think so...
Does 2 have a MySpace?: i'll ask her.
Does 14 have seventeen friends?: oh, MORE.
Where does 1 come from?: penang, like moi.
Does 10 have a dog?: yup. and a supa kawaii one at that.
Where does 7 live?: not sure...
Does 5 have a nickname?: PLENTY.
Have you ever invited 8 to anything?: yeah... countless times.
Can 12 dance?: haha. most likely.
Does 9 have a grandmother?: yeah...
Does 4 have an uncle?: think so.
Is 16 Asian?: DUH. we're all.
How much money does 11 have?: ALOTTTT.
Does 3\'s name start with a D?: no. but 13's does.
Who is 4 to you?: my fren/classmate
How old is 6?: 13
Does 17 know one of Chris Brown\'s songs?: think so. nvr heard him sing it though.
Does 13 go to any concerts?: think so.
Does 17 like Fergie?: idk
Has 16 ever gone to Brooklyn?: no
What\'s 15\'s favorite TV show?: *shrugs*
Is 14\'s parents separated?: NO!!!!
Does 12 prefer sweet potato pie or apple pie?: apple, i think
What\'s 11\'s report card average?: ha. best boy in class. but ns
Does 10 have your phone number or e-mail address?: yeah... she texted me a while ago
Was 9 born in November?: no
Was 8 born in April?: no
Was 7 born in September?: no
Was 6 born in April?: no
Was 5 born before you?: yup
Was 4 born after you?: nope
Is 3 your mom?: HELL NO!
Is 2 desperate?: other than 2 meet her Korean idols, no.
Is 1 your best friend?: yeah
Does 13 feel bad that I excluded him?: i don't think she noticed... 'til now.
When were you born?: few yrs ago.
How old is your sibling?: 10
What's you mom's maiden name?: do i look like i care?
Do you listen to hip hop/rap or R&B?: of course.
What do you think about George Bush?: coughretardcough
What do you think about Jermaine Dupri?: *shrugs*
Do you have a life?: naturally
Do you know you're almost done?: *looks at you wierdly* u got issues

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