Answer the questions with the first sentence of whatever song you land on.
So how are you today?: love me or hate me, it's still an obsession
What happened today?: so much for my happy ending
How\'s your family treating you?: let me know what I've done wrong
What about your friends?: I hold on so nervously to me and my drink, I wish it was cooling me
What\'s your opinion of yourself?: light skin, dark skin, my Asian persuasion
How about life?: tick tock, goes the clock
How is life treating you, by the way?: so many people gonna say that they want you
If someone was about to kill you, what would you say?: I'm having a day from a hell
What does your special someone say to you?: seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
Why do you eat?: and I remember sharing lips with her
What do you think before you go to sleep?: wat'chu been doing?
And what do you say when you wake up?: I was so high I did not recognize, the fire burning in her eyes, the chaos that controlled my mind
How do you feel about school?: baby can't you see?
Your life in a movie. ^_^
Opening Credits.-(I forgot, NAME the song for this section.): break the ice
You wake up and go to school.: no tomorrow
There's a new kid!-(He/She's kinda cute...): pain
Oh my God! He/She's in all your classes!: beautiful
They're sitting at your lunch table. You strike up a conversation.: I'm your's
You're both at a Christmas party that you told them about.: silhouettes in sunsets
Misteltoe! You guys kiss.-(Aww...): is it you
It's like magic, you guys are boyfriend and girlfriend, and you're in love.: L.O.V.E
Uh-oh! Car crash!-(Cue dramatic music.): one love
You wake up in a hospital, and find out he/she died in the crash.: I kissed a girl
You cry, and go into depression for a while.: ain't no party
Your friend convinces you to start dating again. Time to go out!: say
You see a guy/girl and you talk, you have a great time.: leave (get out)
You give them your number and leave and think about the great time you had.: heartbreaker
You guys go out for a while, and you're feeling a lot better.: potential breakup song
One day you go out and you catch him/her cheating!: leavin'
You are crushed and you break up with them.: gimme more
On the way home...Uh-oh! CAR CRASH!!!: love song
You're dead.: fighter
End credits.: 2 hearts
Now! Next 5 Songs.
1.: party people
2.: if you want it to be good
3.: nothing in this world
4.: 4ever
5.: can't fight the moonlight
Song #1.
Song.: party people
Artist.: nelly
Year.: 2008
What is your favorite lyric in this song?: boyfriend wonderin where I'm at, cause I'm in the spot spot. Why he always tryin to be puttin me down on lock lock?
Is this your favorite song?: no
Song #2.
Song?: if you want it to be good
Artist?: BSB
Is this one of your favorite bands/singers?: yeah
Could you dance like a crazy person to this song?: totally
What about singing along to it?: that's what I'm doing now
Song #3.
Song?: nothing in this world
Artist?: paris hilton
Could you head bang to this song?: no!
How long is the song?: approx 3 mins 24 secs
Do you like this song?: ok lah
Song #4.
Song?: 4ever
Artist?: the veronicas
What's the 25th word in the song?: for (I can't believe you made me count!)
What's the meaning of this song?: nothing serious
Who can you relate this song to?-(Yourself, friends, family, etc.): all those playas
Song #5.
Song?: can't fight the moonlight
Artist?: leann rimes
Why do you like this song?: it's so ghetto retro
Would you date the person who sang it?: NO. I am straight ALL THE WAY.
Is this your theme song?: nope
Final Questions!-(Don't use your music playing thingamabob.)
Do you love music?: AB-SO-LUTE-LY
Why?: it's the way of life.
Goodbye.: sayonara
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About Me

- xoxo, z.i.x.u.a.n.
- If you can't accept me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best.
Monday, September 8, 2008
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